

czwartek, 22 maja 2014

Our extensions are Joomla 3.3 ready!

Due to the realase of new Joomla 3.3 version we have tested our Joomla extensions.
If there was anything to fix it has beed done.
All of our extensions marked as J 3.x compatible, work on Joomla 3.3 without bugs.

Here is the list of extensions 100% compatible with Joomla 3.3:
Check the collection of our Joomla 3.3 templates that are also using our extensions.

At the beginning of May The Joomla! Project have announced the release of Joomla!  3.3.0
It's considered to be the most stable release so far.
This new Joomla version comes with many new features and fixed bugs.

The update process is very simple. But if you need a help from specialist we are to ready to help. 
Just contact us.

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