

piątek, 21 października 2011

Dj-Education Joomla 1.7 template

Take a look at our newest Joomla 1.7 template.
DJ-Education was designed mainly for institutions working with children. But of course, it can be used both by schools and other organizations connected with them. The template is designed in two colour options setting in template's parameters. The default background colour is yellow, the other option is purple.

Our Joomla component DJ-Catalog2 ready for Joomla 1.7 is used here.
It's longed-for extension, that we couldn't wait to release.
DJ-Catalog2 component and all modules, that works with that excellent extension give you the great possibility to create a catalogue of products or any other items you wish.

Take a look at the first our release of the example usage of  the new DJ-Catalog2 at this Template's demo

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