

środa, 30 listopada 2011

JM-Fashion-Catalog for Joomla 1.7

This is very elegant and professional template with light graphic design. JM-Fashion-Catalog is just perfect for any kind of products that you would like to display as a catalog of your store stock.

Technical data:
  • Width: 950px
  • Available sources:.PSD slices positions, .HTML, full installation package
  • MooTools drop-down menu (must install the dj-menu menu module, attached to the package)
  • Clean pure CSS/Tableless Design
  • Lightweight and fast-loading
  • Collapsible module positions
  • 2 layout options: 2 columns (left+component), 1 column(component)
  • Replacable header position
  • RTL option
  • Integrated typography
  • W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
  • Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 3+, Flock 0.7+, Chrome, Safari, Opera

wtorek, 29 listopada 2011

wtorek, 22 listopada 2011

piątek, 18 listopada 2011

JM-School Joomla 1.7 template

We present an excellent template for primary schools and also for other themes that relates to children. This template can be used to built a website, which will encourage young people to take up a specified activity, like painting, reading and more. It has a very colourful design. JM-School uses our great DJ-Catalog2 extension.

 Technica data:
  • Width: 992px
  • Available sources: .PSD slices positions, .HTML, full installation package
  • MooTools drop-down menu positions(must install the dj-menu menu module, attached to the package)
  • Clean pure CSS/Tableless Design
  • Lightweight and fast-loading
  • Collapsible module positions
  • 4 design module suffix options (default + 3 suffixes) positions
  • 16 module badges suffix options for modules on position 'top' positions
  • 3 layout options: 3 columns (left+component+right ), 2 columns (left+component/component+right), 1 column(component)
  • Replacable header position
  • RTL option
  • Integrated typography
  • W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
  • Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 3+, Flock 0.7+, Chrome, Safari, Opera
Commercial extensions used on demo site: positions

DJ-Catalog2 component and modules:

  1. After purchasing the template you were automatically subscribed to our new site of DJ-Catalog2 commercial extension
    It means that the account that you created on Joomla-Monster was also created on DJ-Extensions.
    The product license will be delivered on your e-mail address.
  2. The template price includes the cost of 14 day support and upgrade plan.
    If the extension meets your needs, you can extend the support and upgrade plan to 1 year subscription.

środa, 16 listopada 2011

Video presentation for JM-Baby-Catalog

We have released new video at YouTube channel. Watch it and get more familiar with this great Joomla 1.7 template. Remember that JM-Baby-Catalog uses our fantastic extension- DJ-Catalog2. Enjoy!

wtorek, 8 listopada 2011

Upcoming Joomla 1.7 templates

 People ask about new templates for Joomla 1.7 and they also want to know, when the old templates will  be  converted to the new version.
    Below is the list of templates that are going to be converted to Joomla 1.7 soon:

    The next new template to release is JM-Bio.

    Here you can enter on the form your e-mail address and we will notify you when the templates will be available. 

    środa, 2 listopada 2011

    JM-Eco-Cosmetics Joomla 1.7 template

    This Joomla 1.7 template comes from fashion & beauty category and is purposed for all the companies and brands selling innovative cosmetics. If you want to show your fantastic products - JM-Eco-Cosmetics is perfect for your website.This template is another Joomla-Monster realease using new DJ-Catalog2 component working under Joomla 1.7.

    Take a look at template's demo.

    Technical data:
    • Width: 972px
    • Available sources: .PSD slices positions, .HTML, full installation package
    • MooTools drop-down menu (must install the dj-menu menu module, attached to the package)positions
    • Clean pure CSS/Tableless Design
    • Lightweight and fast-loading
    • Collapsible module positions
    • 3 module color suffixes for left modules (default + 2 suffixes), 2 module color suffixes for right column (default + 1 suffix) and 2 badges suffixes positions
    • 2 layout options for frontpage: 2 columns (component+right), 1 column(component)
    • 3 layout options for subpage: 3 columns (left+component+right ), 2 columns (left+component/component+right), 1 column(component)
    • Integrated typography
    • W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
    • Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 3+, Flock 0.7+, Chrome, Safari, Opera
    Commercial extensions used on demo site:
    DJ-Catalog2 component and modules:

    1. After purchasing the template you were automatically subscribed to our new site of DJ-Catalog2 commercial extension
      It means that the account that you created on Joomla-Monster was also created on DJ-Extensions.
      The product license will be delivered on your e-mail address.
    2. The template price includes the cost of 14 day support and upgrade plan.
      If the extension meets your needs, you can extend the support and upgrade plan to 1 year subscription.